Make your own wedding rings with Les Creations

Make the most important day of your life unforgettable and wonderful:
Les Creations offers the opportunity for future spouses to make wedding rings with their own hands, a symbol of love and loyalty, thus giving an inestimable value to this pledge of love.

Create your own wedding rings in Rome

We are one of the few laboratories in Italy to offer future spouses the possibility of literally giving shape to their wedding rings, assisted by goldsmiths and professional designers.

Two types of faiths can be created:

1. Traditional Method
(manual modeling, measuring, finishing, engraving)

    • It includes a session of about 5 hours (solution A)

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2. Innovative Method
(design, 3D printing, finishing, engraving)

    • It includes two sessions of about 4 hours each, to be necessarily held in two different days (solution B).

During the course we will tackle all the processing phases together, from the raw material, to the modeling of the wedding rings, to the finishing and polishing of the rings: our staff will follow you step by step and help you to create the rings of your most beautiful day!

The course can be done during the week or at the weekend, by reservation.

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Create your wedding rings: how will the course be structured?

At the first meeting with the spouses

The experience begins in our laboratory with a first meeting ,where all the band solutions will be explained to the spouses. The differences between the two processes can be compared and analyzed. Than the spouses will choose the favourite technique and model. Measurements will be taken and the date or dates of the course will be agreed.

Traditional Method

The future spouses who choose solution A will directly follow the modeling phase of the band rings. They will be able to choose between curved or flat shape, than will have to pull the nut, weld the circle, create and engrave the internal incision and polish the rings.

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Innovative Method

Customers who choose solution B in the first meeting will be able to design their own wedding rings in CAD, define dimensions and thicknesses, create supports and print them with a 3D printer. In the second meeting, instead, they will be able to "scrape" and finish the rings created, proceed with the final engraving and polishing.

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Traditional Method and Innovative Method

For both types of processing it will be possible to create the entirely custom-made engraving, choose the font, create the text with the preferred font, work with the software to proceed with the engraving. In both cases the spouses can also choose to engrave their own signature or a handwritten text with their own writing.

It will be a wonderful moment of sharing for the couple, an experience to live together, unforgettable: the course will enable future spouses to customize the most important jewel of their life, making a memorable day even more unique.

How much does it cost to create your own wedding rings?

The cost of the course varies based on the type of faith. 

Moreover the cost is different for midweek or weekend.

Starting from € 490.00 per couple. To add, for each course, the cost of the metal, according to the final weight of the rings.

We will also create an exciting photographic collection of the most beautiful moments of the event that we will send to you at the end of the course and we will release a parchment that will guarantee the uniqueness of the newly made wedding rings.

For more information on the course, contact us by phone at 392 3825486 or on WhatsApp  or send an email to

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